MacLehose Press Editions

Bare vis meg

The House with the Stained-Glass Window

Zanna Sloniowska 39,-
Les mer
Wish Utdrag


Dasa Drndic 39,-
Les mer
Wish Utdrag

The Oblique Place

Caterina Pascual Söderbaum 39,-
Les mer
Wish Utdrag

Winds of the Night

Joan Sales 39,-
Les mer
Wish Utdrag

Nevada days

Bernardo Atxaga 39,-
Les mer
Wish Utdrag

The impostor

Javier Cercas 39,-
Les mer
Wish Utdrag

The Awkward Squad

Sophie Hénaff 39,-
Les mer
Wish Utdrag

One Clear, Ice-cold January Morning at the Beginning of the 21st Century

Roland Schimmelpfennig 69,-
Les mer
Wish Utdrag

After the Winter

Guadalupe Nettel 65,-
Les mer
Wish Utdrag

After the war

Hervé Le Corre, Herve Le Corre 55,-
Les mer
Wish Utdrag

The Tree of the Toraja

Philippe Claudel 55,-
Les mer
Wish Utdrag